Success Stories: Sustainable Materials Management of Food at Tribal Casinos

by Erik Makinson

On October 13, 2021, the EPA Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery's Tribal Waste Management Program hosted the webinar "Success Stories: Sustainable Materials Management of Food at Tribal Casinos". Resource Synergy's President Erik Makinson and client Northern Quest Casino were among the panelists.

Here's a bit more about the webinar:

"Numerous tribal-owned or operated gaming facilities and resorts have responded to the many opportunities to build and expand upon sustainable materials management programs. Applying Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) approaches can reduce waste, reduce costs and save resources. SMM-focused efforts can also have lasting beneficial environmental and social impacts for tribes.

This Tribal Waste Management Program webinar features Tribal Casinos and Resort representatives who are maximizing efforts to reduce and divert wasted food, including through donation o...

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Recycling Contamination Changes

by Erik Makinson

Across the state of Washington, recycling haulers are starting to charge recycling contamination fines… and they’re adding up. We recently spoke with a site in Seattle that was paying over $2,000 in contamination charges each month! Depending on where you are, what is considered contaminated will be different. Some items might be considered recyclable in one area, while not recyclable in another area.

We've compiled a few resources to help you determine what will be considered contamination.

City of Seattle

City of Spokane

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Energy Efficiency in a COVID-19 Era

by Haakon Haakenson

In our previous post, “4 Keys to a Successful Recycling Program,” Erik outlined the importance of capital, time, knowledge, & motivation in the implementation of recycling programs. All four of these key elements also apply to the successful implementation of energy efficiency projects, but in my experience, the biggest barrier to an Energy Efficiency project happening is not a lack of knowledge, motivation or time… it’s capital. In fact, the #1 point that a project stalls or dies is when capital is requested. In a COVID-19 world, the challenges associated with securing capital are magnified significantly.

COVID-19: An Unprecedented Challenge

No single private citizen, small business, corporation, or government could have predicted the full scope & continually unfolding circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Given the current situation, most entities are strapped for cash. They...

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